Famous People and Their Myers-Briggs Personality Types—Part 1: The Extraverts
In recent years, Myers-Briggs experts have analyzed many famous people to make educated guesses of their personality types. While most celebrities, past and present, have never taken a personality test, psychologists who are knowledgeable about typology believe they know what the outcomes would be.

Career Distribution by Myers-Briggs Type
A 14-year study of thousands of Americans in various careers shows that different Myers-Biggs types have different preferences and skills relating to the jobs they take.

Famous People and Their Myers-Briggs Personality Types: Part 2, the Introverts
The Myers-Briggs personality test has been used to analyze many famous people. While most celebrities, past and present, have never taken a personality test, psychologists who are knowledgeable about typology believe they know what the outcomes would be.

INFJs and ISFJs are alike in many ways. They’re introverted, feeling, and judging. They differ only on the intuitive/sensing dimension of the Myers-Briggs Inventory.