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Famous People and Their Myers-Briggs Personality Types—Part 1: The Extraverts
In recent years, Myers-Briggs experts have analyzed many famous people to make educated guesses of their personality types. While most celebrities, past and present, have never taken a personality test, psychologists who are knowledgeable about typology believe they know what the outcomes would be.

INFJs and ENTJs are on the same wavelength in many ways. They enjoy spending time together and sharing creative, stimulating conversations.

It’s fair to say that any two people with this combination of Myers-Briggs traits are likely to have adjustment problems if they’re to function smoothly together.

Career Distribution by Myers-Briggs Type
A 14-year study of thousands of Americans in various careers shows that different Myers-Biggs types have different preferences and skills relating to the jobs they take.

Depression Profiles—INFJ vs. INFP
The Myers-Briggs types INFJ and INFP are affected by depression more than most other types. Both are Introverted (I), intuitive (N), and feeling (F).

Famous People and Their Myers-Briggs Personality Types: Part 2, the Introverts
The Myers-Briggs personality test has been used to analyze many famous people. While most celebrities, past and present, have never taken a personality test, psychologists who are knowledgeable about typology believe they know what the outcomes would be.

When an INFJ and ESFJ are drawn to each other, the attraction becomes obvious fairly quickly— although the ESFJ is usually the more transparent of the two and is likely to make the first overtures.

What happens when an INFJ meets an ESFP? Is there an instant attraction? Do they repel each other like two magnets?

All things considered, the attraction between the ESTJs and INFJs isn’t surprising. Because ESTJs are conventional people, they prefer colorful partners to make their lives more interesting.

INFJs are often drawn to INTPs because of their intelligence and ability to apply logic to every situation. Eventually, though, INFJs tend to find most INTPs distant because of their unemotional approach to life.

INFJs and ISFJs are alike in many ways. They’re introverted, feeling, and judging. They differ only on the intuitive/sensing dimension of the Myers-Briggs Inventory.

As one of sixteen Myers-Briggs types, the INFJ is introverted (I), intuitive (N), feeling (F), and judging (J). A little different from the ISFP—who shares the introverted (I) and feeling (F) traits but not the intuitive (N) and judging (J) traits.

It’s obvious looking at the letters I-N-F-J and I-S-T-P that these two Myers-Briggs personality types are very different. The only trait they have in common is their introversion.

INFJ Men as Lovers
INFJ men are complex, warm, and perceptive. They’re drawn to women who are intelligent, creative, and compassionate. While few INFJ men ever achieve perfect relationships, they always wish for them.

INFJs smile
In days when it seems hard to be an INFJ, it’s worth looking at some of the qualities that come with this Myers-Briggs personality type.

Is Romance in the Air? INFJ Meets ISFJ
INFJs and ISFJs are alike in many ways. Both are introverted, feeling, and judging. They differ only on the intuitive/sensing (N/S) dimension of the Myers-Briggs Inventory.

It’s Hard To Be an INFJ—The Rarest Myers-Briggs Personality Type
Myers-Briggs Inventory Isabel Myers and her mother, Katharine Briggs—both psychologists— developed the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory more than fifty years ago.

It’s Hard To Be an INFJ: The Author’s Personal Story
Since posting “It’s Hard To Be an INFJ” on this blog, I’ve received hundreds of e-mails from other INFJs. Their main theme has been how disconnected they’ve felt surrounded by extraverts and more sensible, earthbound types.

Perceiving vs. Judging—The Dating Game
Perceiving (P) and Judging (J) are a set of opposite traits on the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory. They are called the attitude traits.

Sensors vs. Intuitives—The Dating Game
In the dating game, the Sensing and Intuitive Myers-Briggs preferences can be a source of excitement and, at the same time, confusion.