Blog Posts

Prevalence of INFJs in the General Population

Prevalence of INFJs in the General Population

According to researchers, the INFJ Myers-Briggs type occurs in about 1% of the population—the lowest prevalence of any type. Studies vary regarding the exact percentages of the 16 types, but INFJs always walk away with the prize for the most rare.

PSTD in INFJ Women After Sexual Assault

PSTD in INFJ Women After Sexual Assault

Several readers have asked whether INFJ women are more prone than other Myers-Briggs types to getting PTSD after sexual assault.

Tanja Askani–Creator of the New Bambi and Thumper

Tanja Askani–Creator of the New Bambi and Thumper

Return of Bambi and Thumper Tanja Askani, a Czech author, photographer, and animal scientist living in Germany, has disseminated a series of Bambi-Thumper photos that have gone viral on the internet.

The Blame Game

The Blame Game

Are you prone to playing the “blame game” when something goes wrong in your life? Do you have friends or relatives who do it?

The Lord’s Prayer in A.A. Meetings

The Lord’s Prayer in A.A. Meetings

In my AA home group, we start meetings by reading from the Big Book: “AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution.

Timex or Rolex?

Timex or Rolex?

Timex, hands down. Please understand, I don’t have a grudge against Rolex watches because I can’t afford one–although, at an average price of $8000, it would pinch a little.